Saturday, July 16, 2011

Date Night/ Venting Post

My love and I don't get many date nights...not much alone time either, with three kids and a lack of babysitters it's kinda hard to get away.

I have been dreaming all week of a date night with James and was very hopeful of it actually happening.  Camden was supposed to go stay the night with my mom and Chayce was going to babysit Chan for us.

While at work today I texted James to ask him to see what movies were showing around 8:00 or 8:30.  I get home and find out that there is nothing showing around that time except Transformers....uhhhhh, that's a big fat NO!

With all the chaos of having a teenager and trying to work around her 'busy' schedule, I was already flustered before I even got home from work.  It seems that EVERY SINGLE TIME James and I plan a date night, some sort of something happens that either causes us not to go or we end up bickering and it puts both of us in a bad mood.  Today was no exception. 

I have horrible guilt about asking Chayce to babysit for us because she's at her dad's every other weekend and I feel like she deserves to get to do fun things on her weekends home.  This is something I struggle with so much...having a perfectly capable and responsible live-in babysitter yet I feel guilty at the thought of even asking her.

She has reassured me twice in the last month that she doesn't mind watching the kids so that James and I could have a date night.  I found out today that  wasn't necessarily a true statement.  She was invited to go somewhere so she called me and asked if she could go, if James and I didn't end up going on our date.  I told her yes...the yes was a tentative yes but I guess in her teenage mind she was hopeful that we would not actually go through with our date.

While at work, I get a text from my mom asking me what Chayce wants and I honestly didn't know so I called Chayce.  Chayce said that she was going to ask my mom if she would watch Channing so she could go hang out with her friend and James and I could still go on our date. No bueno...

Day three of my bad mood kicks in.  I have been in a terrible mood most of the week because I would like a break from being mom and just want to hang out with my husband.  I don't think this is an unreasonable request.

I REAAAAALLY wanted to go to a movie, but couldn't so that made me crabby and I thought we should just cancel our date after all.  How much fun could I possibly be with a crappy attitude?  We decided on dinner...a steak dinner.

Once we got to the restaurant, I began to relax and have a nice time.  We shared a blackberry colada and both loved it so much that James took a picture of the menu so we could make them on our vacation next month.  Our food was fabulous, the service was awesome and we were actually alone.

Thank you Jesus!  I am hoping that our next date will be sooner (our last date night alone was in February) and hopefully completely STRESS FREE.


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