Thursday, July 14, 2011

Camden the t-ball/baseball man!

I took this photo with my iphone using the instagram app!
It is Camden's baseball glove inside of James'.

Camden has really come into his own with the whole sports thing.  It is safe to say that he is his Daddy's son!  He finished up his 2nd season of t-ball and really made an amazing transformation.  You could truly see his growth and maturity from last season to this year.  He fully understands most everything about the game. 

This has carried over into him becoming the Texas Ranger's biggest fan.  Since he understands the game he thoroughly enjoys watching it.  We attended a Frisco Rough Riders game a while back with his t-ball team and he was in awe!  He is MORE than ready to attend a Rangers game now.

Camden spends much of his time playing "baseball" in the living room.  He will take the pillows off the couches and use them as bases.  He will throw the ball up and pretend that it was hit to him and he will 'get an out' or 'tag someone out at the base'.   

Whether it's Josh Hamilton hitting a home run, Adrian Beltre on 2nd, or David Murphy hitting a double, Camden can tell you what's going on at any given moment.  If we aren't in the room with him, he will come find us to give us a play-by-play or a score update.  He's like a tiny little sportscaster!

This is such a fun chapter in our lives, watching our kids being active and participate in team sports!

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