Camden and I went for a walk this morning with our neighbors/friends, Shanna and Haven, after that we came home and decided to plant Chayce's cucumber plant she had grown from a wee little sprout in her science class at school. She is super excited about it, as am I but I'm not sure how to maintain vegetables. I do good with keeping my flowers alive so if you would, say a prayer for Chayce's plant to sprout a few cucumbers, heck, just pray for it to live...the cucumbers would be a bonus! It could be the start of a garden for our family, waaaaaaaaaaaay in the future. Who knows, it's a nice thought right?
Blessings to you dear cucumber plant!
Camden's version of 'moshing.'
Camden chose pancakes for breakfast this morning so I fixed them for him. Twenty minutes later, he then tells me that was not what he requested. I told him that he could not watch t.v. until he ate his pancakes. After several crying spells...because as you know, it's much easier to just cry about the situation than to just eat your pancakes so you can watch t.v. IT'S ALL ABOUT CONTROL!!! This punishment became a blessing. He decided that he wanted to dance to a Kids BOP CD, so I allowed that, after all, it wasn't t.v.! After that, he wanted to sing karaoke so we got Chan's microphone out...he soon tired of that and then asked that he and I have a band. He would play the guitar and I would be the singer. Oh what fun we had without the t.v. as a distraction...good times!
This boy is a karaoke singing fool!
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