Yes, that's blood splattered in the sink...
Our Chan lost her first "top" tooth on Sunday night. My dad, the official "tooth extractor" of our family tugged on it to see how loose it was and out it came. He pulled my teeth, my brothers' teeth, Chayce's teeth and now onto Chan's, it's like his official job...Pops the tooth puller! Chan was so giddy and nervous that after it came out she couldn't stop laughing, it was then quite hysterical to me. I grabbed my camera and started snapping pics. Chayce had to help Chan rinse her mouth out because she couldn't bare the site of her own blood so she kept her eyes covered while big sister let her sip on water to rinse with.
The tooth fairy came and brought her $5.00...she informed me that she had lost a total of four teeth so that meant that she has earned a total of 20 bucks from the tooth fairy.
She looks so grown-up now with that top baby tooth gone, it's like she changed a little overnight, another milestone...another little one growing up.
$5 bucks! Tell that tooth fairy to stop by house for some back payments ;)
ReplyDeleteThat first pic is priceless!