13 years ago today at 3:00 in the morning, my water broke. I had just gotten up to go to the bathroom and when I got back in bed, I heard this little 'pop' and I instantly knew my water had broke. I pushed with my pelvic muscles and I felt this warm liquid roll over the inside of my thighs....I thought "I am going to have a baby today!"
I got back out of bed, called my doctor, woke my mom up (David was there during all this I am just choosing to leave him out of the story, after all this is MY birth story.) and then I decided to take a bath because my doctor told me I didn't have to be in any hurry to get to the hospital. I now know that you aren't supposed to take baths once your water breaks, showers are the appropriate thing to do.
At approximately 4:00 a.m., I am headed to the hospital, no pain, no contractions...just driving to the hospital while it's still dark outside...my mom was following in the car behind me. We get to the hospital and get all checked in and settled into a L & D room. I get into the bed but I keep having cramps and upset stomach...I am going to the bathroom pretty often and all I could think to myself was I hope this stops before the baby gets here...I couldn't imagine having to say "Excuse me but I really need to go to the bathroom" in the middle of pushing. Little did I know, I was in ACTIVE labor, this was no upset stomach. Once I started having contractions, the nurses told me that I might want to walk around, that sometimes it relieves the pain so off we went strolling in the hallways. Um, excuse me but walking makes it hurt WORSE...anymore suggestions? How about a rocking chair...oh yeah, that was nice and boy did I have a rhythm going when my contractions got hard. I didn't find it very amusing that my mom and some of David's relatives were watching my contractions on the monitor and letting me know that I was having "a big one".
I didn't want to get my epidural too early because all I kept remembering was that my mom had said that an epidural could slow the whole process down. I didn't want that, I wanted to get this done and over with. I remember trying to tolerate the pain and hold off on the pain meds until I couldn't take it any longer. The pain never got intense but boy was my epidural a little slice of heaven. After that, I could rest and all I could hear was the sound of my baby's heartbeat on the monitor. I remember being checked by the nurses a few times and them telling me that once I got to a certain centimeter that they would call my doctor, Dr. Monti.
Soon after I got my epidural, I dilated really quickly and they wanted me to start pushing. I got concerned because Dr. Monti wasn't there yet and I really wanted her there, after all, she was my doctor. Everything started happening so fast, the baby's heart rate kept going down with each push...the next thing I know they are cleaning me off and they have called for "Special care". There was a male and a female doctor putting their scrub jackets and pulling out the stir-ups, still no Dr. Monti but many nurses joined us in the room.
I pushed and squealed and pushed and squealed...I remember being tired and frustrated because I was pushing so hard and it seemed like nothing was happening. I remember feeling a burning sensation, later I found out that they had to cut me. I was so dumb...the oxygen mask on my face wouldn't fit right and I held onto it the whole time...here I am trying to have a baby and I am so worried about the way this oxygen mask felt on my face.
Once I had pushed for what seemed like an eternity, they told me to stop. Later I watched the video of the birth and see that I was making no progress because the umbilical cord was wrapped twice around the baby's neck. Each time I would push, the cord would literally be choking her causing her heart rate to fluctuate and therefore she was basically stuck in the birth canal. Still no Dr. Monti, they ended up doing a forceps delivery and out she came. They immediately took her over to check her out to make sure she was okay. They measured and weighed her, cleaned her up and, after what seemed like an eternity, brought her over to me.
Chayce Jordyn , 8 lbs. 2 oz., 20 inches long...a precious, fat, pink little girl born at 8:19 a.m. on on beautiful day in May. The nurses kept talking about how chubby she was and I remember her crying sounding like a baby kitten. It wasn't loud, just a tiny little cry. My mom recorded the whole thing on video and went over to see her first grand baby...each time she would rub on Chayce and talk to her, she would stop crying. It was almost as though she recognized my mom's voice.
They brought her over to me and all I could think was I can't believe this baby is mine. I know she's mine because I felt her grow inside me for 9 months, I felt her kick me and lie on my bladder. I remember seeing her tiny face on the sonogram each time I would go to the doctor...I gained 41 lbs! I was in shock, such awe...scared, excited, nervous...every emotion one person could muster up came out of me that day...the day I became a mom.
I love you so much, Chayce. I am so thankful that God chose me to be your mom. You have a beautiful spirit and old soul...great things are in store for you, all part of His plan for your life. I look forward to watching you grow into a amazing young woman. Love always, Mom

That picture of Chayce is just stunning!!! Nothing says summer time like a beautiful girl in a white dress :)