The church that Camden and Channing played spring sports through this year had their end of season parties on Monday and was an amazing gift: free admission for the child and their immediate family to a local water park. NOT a cheap gift I might add...the tickets they handed us to get inside the park had a price of $19.99 on them. On Monday, there were 5 of us that went for Camden's night and on Tuesday there were 4 of us that went. You are looking at $180.00, this was the gift they gave my children for simply playing t-ball and soccer for their team. What a blessing it was to our family because this is somewhere we don't normally go due to cost and my kids got to go two nights in a row.
I had a nice talk with Channing's head coach, he was telling me that Channing was a great little player. He said she works hard is did an amazing job at the goalie position...he said they would love to have her back. I'm so proud of her, she's normally kind of a diva at home but she switches gears and becomes a tough girl out on the field. She took one to the face in her last game because she was trying to block a point, she was playing goalie, the other team didn't score. She can be tough...she just chooses when she wants to be I guess.
Camden is still working on his t-ball skills...he loves to play catch and by next season, I'm sure he'll be a pro, at t-ball that is!
Daddy missed out on all the fun...those were Camden's words. He told his Paw Paw the same thing! Our summers are kind of hard with Daddy having to work so much, he doesn't get to do much of the fun stuff with us but if he didn't work so hard, I don't know where we'd be. I love you much!! Your sacrifice and hard work do not go unnoticed. We miss not having you here much over the summer but it's all for the benefit of our family...thank you is simply not enough.
We had a wonderful time at the water park, it was a great start to a wonderful summer yet!
Great pics!