We had a crazy week, Camden woke up throwing up on Monday, he couldn't keep anything down. Tuesday was 'recovery day', Wednesday he started the day with a runny/stuffy nose...no fever though. Thursday he woke up with good energy and I asked him if he felt okay to go to school, he said yes...his breathing wasn't quite right so we gave him his inhaler and off we went. As the morning progressed his teacher brought him to me because he was in tears and I noticed his breathing hadn't improved (the way it normally does when we give him his inhaler). I called the doctor to get him in and they didn't have anything until 3:00 but I didn't think that would work since he was having such labored breathing. I called back to see if they had anyone call in and cancel and when I told them about his breathing they told me to bring him in and they would work him in.
We got to the doctor and by this time he was running fever (99.8). We had to wait for the doctor for at least 30 minutes and during this time he fell asleep on the table in the room. Bless his little heart, it wasn't a peaceful rest because of his breathing so he was making these loud noises the whole time he slept. I couldn't believe he didn't wake himself up! He sounded terrible so I had hoped that the doctor would make it in while he was still asleep so she could hear him. When she came in she sat down to ask me a few questions and he started making the noises again. (I was so thankful that she was able to hear them!) She woke him up and she said he felt really warm so she had the nurse take him temp again, this time it was 101.8. She immediately did a flu test and even tested his oxygen levels. Flu test came back negative so she sent us over to the hospital for chest x-rays.
The technician took pics of his chest and after she looked at them, she told me to wait while she checked to see if the radiologist wanted to look at the and call the doctor while we were still there. I thought that was odd and I had a feeling that she had seen something. She came back from talking to the radiologist and said that Camden had bilateral something or other. I can't even remember the second word she used but she told me that the doctor would be calling me and just to make sure that I got his prescriptions filled. We barely made it home and the nurse called to say that Camden has pneumonia in both lungs and the doctor wanted to see him again on Friday morning. He was given an antibiotic, a steroid and albuterol to put into a nebulizer. He had trouble with his first round of the albuterol because he is so used to taking the heaving breaths to suck in the meds from his inhaler...I thought he was going to hyperventilate!! It took several minutes of telling him to breathe 'normal' before he got the hang of it.
Anyway, he is improving...up and around like his normal self again.
Praise be to God for allowing us to catch his illness early on.
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