She was crazy bored today, even though we played multiple games of Perfection and several rounds of Old Maid. Bless her little heart, she jumped up and decided that she wanted to clean the house! She wiped down the bar, the kitchen counter tops, rinsed all the dishes in the sink, unloaded and loaded the dishwasher (all of this while standing in a chair so she could reach). She made my bed and took out the trash in both bathrooms...and now she's helping James and I with laundry! Can you say BLESSING!?!?
I truly believe she has a servant's heart. She has been cleaning for the last several weeks because we started giving the kids allowance. One day she jumped up and decided to start cleaning and I explained to her that you don't get allowance for everything you do, that some things are just expected of you, she replied with a "I know, I just want to help." Music to a mother's ears!
We went to Art Night at her school this past week to see the masterpiece she created: a mama camel, a baby camel with the pyramids behind it...she thoughtfully drew the baby camel some food as well. While we are at the art show, she decided that she wanted to help pass out refreshments. I told her to go right ahead! Instead of standing at the table handing them out with all the other volunteers, she was working the room, the cafeteria that is...walking around personally passing out beverages to anyone who wanted to take one. While we are at the art show, I go over to talk to the Asst. Principal, Mrs. Oliver. Mrs. Oliver asks Channing if she had told me that she had helped someone at school today. Channing shook her head no and I agreed, she hadn't told me anything about it. Mrs. Oliver proceeds to tell me that there was a little girl during the school day who had one of her fingers caught and smashed in a door. Our Chan went over to help her by escorting the wounded girl to the office requesting some ice be putting on the little girl's finger. I asked Channing if she knew who the girl was and she said no.
My sweet little 6 year old, always so helpful and going out of her way to help a stranger...this could be the beginning of many great stories to come!
Oh, what a blessing Channing is to your family. I love these stories! She is such a precious little girl. Love her!