Well, New Years Eve consisted of us staying home and letting Chayce have some friends over. The kids all sang karaoke on Channing's new microphone she got for Christmas. Camden was in his element...he didn't care who was watching, he was belting out the tunes...actually he sang "Can't Get Away" by Rush of Fools three times in it's entirety. I think we may have the next American Idol living under our roof. I had a glass of wine and James and I stayed up until about 1:45...till we just couldn't keep our eyes open anymore!
Thanks to our pastor, we are encouraged each year to 'fast' for 21 days beginning with the new year. Last year he asked the whole church to do a sugar fast, no refined sugar, only fruits and fruit juices. James even participated which made my heart so happy. This year Pastor Brad left it up for us to decide. I have chosen to refrain from Facebook and sugar (again). I asked James what he was going to fast and he couldn't really think of anything until Monday morning, I got a text from him asking if I thought fast food would be a good one. I was thrilled, it's quite a sacrifice because that's basically what he has for lunch everyday at work, not to mention alot of our money gets blown on it as well. We are constantly picking up something here and there, I told him I would join him in his decision as well. I was telling the kids that he and I had decided not to eat fast food for three weeks and they thought that was a pretty neat idea so Chayce and Channing agreed to give it up as well. I told them I thought this was very big of them and I talked to them about how much money we'd be saving over the next three weeks since we would be eating at home. I am excited to see how much our health, our wallets and our spirits will benefit from this!
I cut up my credit cards yesterday...I should have done it sooner, but hey...better late than never right?!? We are really going to focus on doing the debt snowball that we learned in our Dave Ramsey class at church. We've already started saving for Christmas of 2010, our goal is to also start saving for a yearly family vacation ...if it doesn't happen this year, there's always next year, the goal is to start saving for it. Chayce needs braces and I am hoping to get into a salon sometimes SOON so I can help knock out our debt...ahhh 2010, I foresee you being a year of triumphs and victories...better marriage, more family time, more God time, and making better choices with our money.
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