Saturday, September 11, 2010

A whirlwind of a week

My babies, my beauties...

Folks, I get on these kicks where I will blog like crazy and then life catches up with me and I get overwhelmed and knocked on my fanny.  If it's a while between entries, just know that I am probably dealing with something and can't bring myself to blog.  Sometimes I just need a breather and to have some down time.

I am a busy person.  I have a teenager, a 7 year old and a 4 year old.  I have two part time jobs, two of my children are active in sports this season.  I have a needy, high maintenance (but oh-so-lovable) dog, a husband who has been freaking UH-MAAAAAZING lately.  I'm talking laundry caught up, dishes done, cooked his first meal EVER since we've been married (uh-huh, it's taken 9 years...better late than never right?) and as I type this he is at the grocery store doing our grocery shopping, with coupons and all!  God bless him!
First day of preschool

This week, mother's day out started up, I have 13 kids in my class.  It's a bit overwhelming at first, new kids at a new place.  For some, it's their first time in a program, I'm new to them, they are new to me.    Camden started pre-k!  I had a slow week at the salon, but a busy weekend.  Chayce had volleyball, they lost but put up a good fight.  Channing won her soccer game today and we decided to go to Sonic and eat there (outside in the humid, sticky nastiness) as a special treat to the kids.  AND we had ice cream too, they LOVED it!  We followed that up with an evening swim in our neighborhood pool with a beautiful evening sky that God painted shades of pink and blue-gray and cream, just for us.

BONUS:  We got a check in the mail from the electric company today.  Yes, you read right, WE got a check FROM the electric company.  We are part of a co-op and so every year we get a little bit of money back (capital credits).  God is good my in our pocket that we were not expecting.  That is a BLESSING!               

I made BBQ brisket in the crockpot, my first attempt.  Let me tell you ladies, it was dreamy.  I searched recipes on the internet and found one that I already had the majority of the ingredients to.  It cooked all day Thursday and we were able to eat on it for two days.  I may just have to share the recipe sometime soon!    

I started journaling this week.  I am journaling to pray, to share my thoughts, to work through issues.  I find myself not seeking God enough, not waiting on Him, not taking my requests and concerns to Him and certainly not thanking Him enough.  In a way, this is holding myself accountable, by dating my entries I will realize how often or not often enough I am spending time with the Lord.  I was inspired to start journaling due to a book I am reading called Rachel's Tears.  It's about one of the teens who died in the Columbine tragedy.  Such a young girl who truly had a passion for the Lord, she died a martyr.  It's an amazing story, but hard to read.  I had to put it down many times and walk away because she reminded me so much of Chayce and I couldn't imagine losing a child.
I have come to realize that my mom is truly my best friend.  I mean, I've known this for years but it really came to light in a big way this week.  If I have something on my heart that I can't say to anyone else, I always know I can call my mom and tell her.  She's right there with me, feeling my pain, sharing in my joy, letting me cry.  I couldn't imagine where I'd be right now if I had lost her 15 years ago when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I honestly believe that God has a plan for all of us and though cancer was a fork in the road, it happened for a reason.  I am just thankful that God healed her and allowed her more time on this earth.  She's my biggest fan, my most honest critic, my shopping buddy, my sweet tooth sister and most of all, my rock.  Words alone could never be enough thanks Mom.     

Blessings to you all, I hope that when life gets overwhelming that you can turn to God.  The bible tells us to cast all our cares upon Him.  When I remember to do that, He's right there for me.  Breathing for me, surrounding me with His mercy and grace, giving me peace, telling me that it's all going to be alright.  God is SO good!  
Check out the form, the tongue has to be juuuust right!

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