Wednesday, September 8, 2010

For you Dad

Last Sunday, my dad left church.  He left alone because my mom was out of town visiting her mother.

He walked to his truck and planned on going to his favorite buffet for lunch. 

He found a letter sitting on his truck.  After he read the letter, he decided not to go for lunch.

He opened it to find the most mean, evil and hurtful things being said to him.  Of course it wasn't signed.  If you were going to be so hateful, surely you wouldn't be scared to pen your name at the end.

My mom called me and read the letter to me last night.  It hurt my heart and brought me to tears.

The letter told my dad that he can't play bass, that he must be deaf, how could he possibly stand up on the alter and punish people by thinking he could play the guitar and that he should be ashamed of himself and he needed to go take some lessons.

Oh wait, it was was signed "A bass player."

My parents attend a tiny little church in a small town near our home.  They have become very active in their church, my mom has lead vacation bible school, my dad plays in the church band.  The have taken many friends from their church on their boat for group fishing trips.  They have also grown very close to the pastor and his wife.  They love their little church, it is a home to them.

After thinking over all this, I wrote a letter to the 'man' that left the letter for my dad.  I was really hoping the pastor of my parent's church would let me read it to the congregation.  Not sure if that will happen though.

Dear Bass Player,

Who are you and why did you not sign your letter?  If you are such a wonderful bass player, surely you would want to share your talents with everyone else, which would be impossible to do unless we knew who you were.  Your words spew HATE; how can you sit in God's house with such anger and evilness in your heart?  God's word says 'make a joyful noise', that's what my dad is doing.  He's not on tour with a world famous band, he's not trying out for America's Got Talent and he's not trying to impress you.  He is doing what God has put on his heart to do.  That is to show up each Sunday and play his guitar to the best of his ability in order to honor the Lord with praise and worship.

Did it make you feel good to write such a hateful letter?  Do you think God was smiling down on you when you snuck over to my dad's truck like a coward?  Are you a thief out to steal other people's joy?

Do you know my dad?  Do you know of his love of music he's had his whole life?  Do you know that many of my childhood memories joyfully flash before my eyes because I will hear an old song that my dad used to play on his record player?  Do you know that he's a wonderful man who gives encouraging words, quotes scripture from the bible in times of need and writes heartfelt love notes to my mother in the cards he gives her?  Do you know that when he practices with his guitar at home that ALL his grandchildren gather around because they are fascinated and want to learn to play because they want to be just like their Pops?  Do you know that each of his grandchildren have a guitar or have interest in one because he has inspired them all with his love of music?

My dad is not a professional, he never claimed to be perfect nor has he ever stated that he was better than anyone.  It's people like you that give Christians a bad name.  If you were a true follower of Christ, you could've walked up to my dad and played beside him.  Knowing my dad, he would've admired your talent or ability and might have even asked for a lesson from you or asked to play with you sometime in the future...because that's the kind of MAN HE IS.

Not boastful or proud, not a goody-goody, not rude or jealous or hateful.

My dad is humble, peaceful, and funny.  He is a gentle giant, eager to learn from others, loving, giving and kind.  My dad displays many qualities that Jesus himself displayed.

So, "Bass Player"...since you are so disgusted with my dad playing guitar at the church, you should probably take your own advice and go ahead and find another church to attend.  I wouldn't want you being upset every Sunday in God's house, I don't think God would like it too much either.  God's house is a place of refuge, joy and peace, things it seems you care nothing about.

In his Grace,


P.S.  I'd gladly put this on your car if I knew who you were.      

P.S.S.  Daddy, you have so much heart and talent.  Thank you for nuturing our love for music and for never being afraid to try.  Your guitar playing is music to my ears!  God knows your heart and He is proud of you!  
I LOVE YOU!!           

We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in an ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. - Mother Teresa

1 comment:

  1. That is horrible and makes me want to cry. What is wrong with people? How can they be so unkind and develop so much anger about something as simple as playing an instrument. WOW! Pray for this person.....God knows who they are and obviously the condition of their heart needs changing. Sorry your daddy and all of you had to experience that.
