My sweet husband had another birthday last weekend. We didn't do much, poor guy...he always gets the short end of the stick with his birthday being so close to Christmas.
I cooked him chicken spaghetti and Camden and I made him an oreo trifle rather than a birthday cake.
Camden helping daddy blow the candles out Camden insisted we have candles for daddy |
James, you are a wonderful, caring and loving husband. It has been an eventful 10 1/2 years with took Chayce and I in and loved us both in a way that we had never been loved before. You gave me two more beautiful kids to complete our family. You have always worked so hard for our family, providing for us, going to work sick and rarely ever taking a day off so that you can work overtime to do all you can for our family. You love me unconditionally, you see the real me and love me anyway. You make me feel beautiful, you are so respectful of me and I admire that most about you. Thank you for being so affectionate with our kids and for always being at Chayce's activities. I see that you have grown spiritually, mainly in small ways but the effort you put forth has given me hope and made me so proud of you. Thank you for laughing at me when I am goofy, you make me feel like you are my biggest fan. Thank you for never giving up on me even though I probably have given you reason to. Thank you for stepping up your game when mine is lacking...together we make an amazing team. You seem to pick up right where I leave off and I am so thankful that you know when I need you most.
James, I love you so much and I love that you love me in the way that you do...I am forever greatful that God brought you into my life. Thank you could never be enough.
Happy birthday my love!!!
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