Monday, October 25, 2010

With a heavy heart, I write tonight...

The 8th grade volleyball team at Chayce's school 'adopts' a 'little sis' from the 7th grade team.  Chayce's little sis is an adorable girl named Alex.  Each of the girls had to fill out a little sheet of paper with things they like, small things like their favorite drink or snack.  So on a weekly basis, Chayce and Alex have exchanged goodies before the game.

I found out this morning that Alex's mother passed away yesterday from breast cancer.  My heart breaks for her and her family...I don't know the details but I know that a 12 year old girl should not have to be without her mother.  She has two younger siblings as well as a father who lives with them.  For this I am thankful, to know that she still has at least one parent. 

I don't know Alex's family, I've seen her play volleyball once and I've passed along a gift to her once.  Not much contact I have had with her but either way I feel the need to reach out to the family.  I told Chayce she should probably write Alex a letter, not that words can take the place of her mother but sometimes words can be comforting.  Chayce saw me lose a very close friend to breast cancer 3 years ago, my mother had breast cancer 15 years ago.  

In this month of October, National Breast Cancer Awareness month, remember to get a mammogram.  Breast cancer does not discriminate against race, age or social status.  

God bless you...      

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