My parents and Camden on the lake
My parents have a! If it's hot outside, our family is somewhere near the water...a pool, a lake, a sprinkler. Today, the kids and I got to go to the lake with my parents. I took my camera but wouldn't you know that I left it in the back of my car so my blackberry had to stand in for my camera, UGH!
We went tubing a bit, but mostly just floated in the water with noodles. The water was a perfect temperature, cool just when you first get in and then comfortable from there on after. We seemed to drift away from the boat quite a ways and thank goodness we were wearing our life jackets because we were exhausted trying to swim back. Luckily Pops cranked up the boat and scooped us all up. My legs were very thankful!

It was a terrific Tuesday, I spent the whole day with the ones I love (minus my hubby, who was slaving away to provide for our family). We all got a little too much sun, the little ones got nasty lake water in their mouths, we kicked our legs from swimming so hard that we were exhausted but what fun it was!
It's days like today that make wonderful memories...
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