Let's see, last I wrote it was October...several weeks and a few holidays later, here we are at Christmas! WHERE HAS THE YEAR GONE??? I am happy to write that our precious Camden turned 4 on December 16th! Four years old, I remember James talking about Camden getting to play sports when we found out we were having a son...well, he's finally reached the age...at 4, the possibilites are endless. Football, soccer, t-ball and to our surprise Camden has even made reference to playing golf..."GOLF?" James asks! LOL!
I decided NOT to make a homemade cake this year for him...it has been a tradition but I thought I would just pick one up this year...never again! This is the second time I have had trouble with getting a cake from somewhere...the first time, I have ordered it far enough in advance for there to be no problems, we show up to pick it up on the way to the party, they don't have my order, they don't have my cake...this time, with Camden, I did not ORDER the cake, I just looked through what they already had in the freezer, found one that I was happy with and asked for a piece of paper to write down what I wanted to cake the say...easy right? The lady in the bakery handed me a piece of paper that someone had previously written 'Happy Birthday Brandon' on it...I wrote Happy Birthday Camden on the OPPOSITE end and turned it around so she could read what I WROTE...I left to walk the store and when Chayce and I came back, would you believe the cake said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRANDON!" I was so mad but I didn't take my anger out on the bakery lady, it was an honest mistake...I guess. She had to scrape Brandon off of it and write Camden. I vow to never, ever, ever buy a cake ever again...this mom will stick with her good old fashioned homemade cakes!
Our family at Channing's 'Cookie Night' at school
James is on vacation this week...VACATION! It's always all work and no play for him...he always works so hard to provide our family so it's a nice change when he is home with us and the kids get so excited about having him here. We have laid around all weekend, Camden has been sick since yesterday so our options are slim to none as far as leaving the house, as a family anyway. It's nice to be able to lay around and do nothing but Christmas is rapidly approaching and we have some unfinished business to tend to! Looks like we may have to come up with a game plan and just have one of us head out to do all the finishing touches.
We took Camden to Chuck E. Cheese on his actual birthday
Air hockey
Dear Santa, I would like one of everything, please.
My big girl and I at the youth Christmas party
Singing his little heart out at his Christmas program
I L-O-V-E this picture
The TRUE meaning of the season
Mine and Chan's Christmas toes :o)
I still cannot believe that we are about to begin 2010...
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