This past week has been such a blur with all we've had going on...I got to do a few haircuts on friends and family, which I was thrilled about. Practice makes perfect! I got to hang out with my friend Shanna and our little ones got her play together! Channing had her first soccer game, her team won, the score was something like 10-0 and she even scored her first goal. It was great, James' dad and my parents came out to support her. James was so nervous, he stayed at the opposite end of the field so he could coach her during water breaks! LOL!! He never played soccer but he was just encouraging her and giving her fatherly guidance...would you believe that she got Most Improved Player at the end of the game! I was a cheering fool, me and my big mouth...I stayed at one end of the field with my camera. Channing asked right after her second practice if she could play soccer next year, I told her of course she could. She was so thrilled that she told her daddy and her big sister "I asked mom if I could play soccer next year and she said YES!" I don't know what would have made her think I would've told her no! LOL! Chayce made the volleyball team at her school. They found out Friday right after practice, the coaches posted the list of girls who made it outside one set of the gym doors...I just happened to have my phone on me so I snapped a pic of the list! She was so excited and I was so proud.
My parents took their boat out on Sunday and they invited mine and my brother Chris' family to go with them. We had a picnic near a beach area and went tubing on the lake. We took our dog with us, her first time on the lake, she had a great time. She only had to be saved once! LOL!! She fell off the boat playing with my mom and I guess it scared her because she started swimming all around the boat trying to find a place to get back on, James ended up grabbing her and pushed her up onto the boat, not without getting some battle scars. Lanie used his leg as a ladder while my mom was trying to get her from him. We were able to laugh about it after it was all said and done. My youngest brother Brandon even came out and joined us, it was a great day. Such a blessing spending the whole day with family!
Chan getting in on the action

Channing, her coach and daddy...notice daddy's stance!

Playing goalie

Chan getting her most improved award

The volleyball list

Camden helping Pops drive the boat

Chan and I tubing

Chayce showing off

Waiting on the shore for us to come pick them up

Mine and my brother's family relaxing

Love them both SO much

Lanie on the boat

A beautiful ending to a blessed day
Looks like super fun!