Sunday, August 9, 2009

He makes all things new!

We've had a pretty eventful week! Wednesday our baby boy got sick, then James and I were listening to Camden take deep breaths on Thursday night and decided he need to go to the doctor. At times it seems his breathing was labored, more during night time. We went to the doctor Friday morning and she diagnosed him with an upper respiratory infection and she confirmed our suspicions of him 'wheezing'. We came home with an antibiotic, a steroid and an inhaler...Praise God, because the steroid and inhaler worked on him almost instantly! Saturday Camden's appetite was back to normal and he was up and around more...he did happen to doze off on the couch (which he doesn't normally do) and I got the sweetest picture of him! Today he was so much better...almost a brand new Camden!

Okay, so I have this digital camera that I got last year...I've had it a year and half and I still have yet to sit down and figure out all of it's settings. I got some pictures of Chayce at volleyball camp and they were blurry because I STILL don't really know how to use it. I sat down on Saturday and read over the manual, enough of it to figure out what I need to take action shots (well, I still need to read up some more on it) BUT, I thought I would try it out. I snapped a few pictures of Chayce doing some jumps...I was so excited, it worked!!! It's almost as exciting as when I first got it! I wanted to have my photography skills polished before she started cheering at games and I think I will have it down perfectly by then. Channing wanted me to get some actions shot of her as well so we had a mini photo shoot and I caught our dog Lanie in action as to follow!

My sick baby boy napping on the couch

Chayce trying on her new cheer uniform... we blacked out the letters of her school for privacy reasons

Chayce did some funky graphics with this one, but you can see that I figured out a way to take clear pictures

This was the first shot I got of her ( with more funky graphics)

Here's one of both the girls

Channing doing her jump

Lanie getting a drink after eating bubbles

1 comment:

  1. I love the girls doing their jumps together! Channing's face is just too adorable :)
