We took a little mini vacation to Louisiana to visit hubby's relatives. We had a great time, did some sight seeing (no gambling this time!) and just enjoyed being away from home for a few days. We took some family pictures which we don't do too often, I'm always behind the camera! I got some really nice pics of the kids, mainly Chayce though because she actually ENJOYS posing for me. We came back Sunday afternoon so the girls could get settled in before the first day of school.
I got up Monday morning and made pancakes that no one ate...so I think this will be my last year of "cooking" for the first day of school. Everyone is just too excited to sit down to eat I guess. Chayce has had volleyball practice after school this week and Channing started soccer. I can't believe I have girls in sports!!! LOL! It's so funny to see my girly-girls...my dancers out there being well, 'sporty'! I guess I will get used to it because we have a full schedule for them both for the fall. I'm hoping to get them back into dance in the spring, they both are just too talented to let dance stay on the back burner for too long...I miss seeing them compete too!
Camden started
sleeping in big boy underwear!! I'm so proud that he's potty trained, I can't even begin to tell you how relieved I am!! Tonight will be night #2...I'm praying for no accidents. Many people do not know this but I wet the bed while growing up, so did one of my brothers. We actually took meds for it at one time, it was truly a problem. I have been blessed that none of my children have had to endure the same embarrassing problem.
Chayce and I on the Boardwalk in downtown Shreveport, it's very similar to the Harbor in Rockwall, but MUCH larger.

Me with my handsome husband on the Boardwalk

My sweet family

Channing with a bear in Shreveport's Bass Pro Shop

Daddy and Camden on the carousel on the Boardwalk

I had all the kids stand by a tree to get their pic taken...one of James' aunts lives in the country and she has some beautiful land.

My precious Channing

Camden and his huge smile...makes my heart melt every time!

Chayce had a great time posing for me.

I love this one of Chayce!

Me with my precious baby boy

I love photography and black and whites...this was Chayce walking on Aunt Janet's land

Sitting on the porch

Chayce 7th grade and Channing 1st grade

Channing's first soccer practice