Chayce is about to finish up her football and volleyball season as well. Chayce has been such a great leader on her cheer squad, I pray that this is a quality that will stick with her. She is unsure as to whether she is going to tryout for basketball. However, in drama they are currently working on the play Frankenstein...she is Dr. Frankenstein's fiance', if I remember correctly. She's really enjoying that! They will be doing a play for UIL later in the year which will be Grease, I'm so looking forward to seeing her act in that!
Our sweet Camden, he brings me such joy...I am so thankful that he won't start school for another year and a half. He loves spending days with me at home...he likes to help clean or cook. We call our days 'off' Mommy and Campy day! He's gained quite a knack for playing computer games...he especially likes playing on They have games that cater to his age. He informed James over the weekend that he will be playing football, baseball, basketball, golf and tennis. (James isn't too fond of the tennis idea! LOL!) We hope to start Camden in a sport in the spring.
James and I started taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University class at our church last month. We have learned many things about our finances and it has been very beneficial to our marriage and our future. We realize that in order for our children to succeed with their finances we have to change and show them the right way...God's way to handle money. We aren't even halfway through yet so we still have many things left to learn but I am so very thankful that we are doing this together.
Hair Salon, here I come!! I took my final test in order to get my cosmetology license yesterday. My sister-in-law April was gracious enough to go with me because I needed a model to perform a manicure service and a facial on. I was VERY nervous at first...shaking so bad I could barely paint her nails. I spent ALOT of time talking with God on Friday night and Saturday, praying that he would give me peace and guidance so that I could be my best during the exam. It took three hours and about halfway through, I felt a peace come over me like a warm blanket...from then on, it went very well. When I got my test score I was overwhelmed with emotion, just as I was when I got my test scores from my first test. Words cannot describe the joy that I felt...the sense of accomplishment...relief, the end of two long years of hard work, tears, sacrifice, insecurity...knowing the the Lord had laid an opportunity out in front of me and I did not fail...I finished, I accomplished something. I showed my kids that it's never too late to follow your dreams. Out of 118 items on my test, I scored a 107, which gave me a final grade of 90. I went to see my teacher after I took my test so I could return all the supplies I had rented from her and I showed her my grade. She told me that it was one of the higher grades she had seen, she said most of the students she had known scored in the 80's...every victory is His!
I went to see a christian band in concert on Thursday night with two of my sister-in-laws. We went to hear Third Day, a band I love and admire very much. They put on an intimate, amazing show and I left exposed to some new music and a renewed spirit. In case you don't already know music is VERY important to me, I grew up with my parents always having some sort of music on. When my mom would clean house, she would always turn the radio up loud and we would take a time out here and there and just dance and sing. Over the last couple of years I have stopped listening to secular radio and all I listen to is music that glorifies God. During an intermission for Third Day, they were playing a cd from a group I have listened to called 'Needtobreathe'. One of the songs the were playing really struck me, although I didn't know what it was called nor could I remember any of the words. On Friday I got on their website to see if I could find this 'song'. I ended up remembering some of what it sounded like and I found it. It is called Garden and it's on their newest cd called The Outsiders. I pulled up the lyrics as I listened and I was moved in a way that I had never been before. This song stirred up deep emotions in me, it spoke to my soul. I then found out what the meaning was behind the song and I wept each time I have heard it since. I would like for you to listen to it and see what you get out of it. I feel that God is using this song to speak to me, I took out my bible and started reading a chapter that I had never read before and it put Jesus' final hours into perspective for me. Who am I that this Holy man would lay down His life for me? What have I done for Him? I am nothing, I do nothing to honor Him in ways that He deserves. Nothing I do can ever repay the debt He paid for me and my sins...I owe so much to the One who laid His life down for me. I feel like I have been given a new opportunity to make a fresh start to be all that I can to serve and honor Him.
Father, I thank you for new beginnings and a more open heart. I ask your forgiveness for my selfishness and forgetting that this life is not about me, that it's about You. Help me to be a light for others to see so that You can shine through me. I want to live in ways that glorify You, I want to be more like you, loving, peaceful, giving, compassionate. I pray that You will take all distraction from within my heart and mind so that I can be used for Your good. I pray that You will help to be more aware and open to receiving all that You have in store for me. All these things I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.